Trade structure of imports by product group, 2006
Region Product All products  Primary commodities Food items Ores and metals Fuels Manufactured goods
World US$ 12,125,082,855 3,397,854,695 761,845,799 529,747,919 1,771,059,648 8,307,587,450
 Developing economies US$ 3,895,312,319 1,091,969,801 203,130,061 196,240,237 558,449,540 2,659,316,597
% of total 32.1 32.1 26.7 37.0 31.5 32.0
 Economies in transition US$ 301,456,257 83,151,613 33,953,804 9,152,692 36,321,736 208,182,280
% of total 2.5 2.4 4.5 1.7 2.1 2.5
 Developed economies US$ 7,928,314,279 2,222,733,281 524,761,934 324,354,990 1,176,288,373 5,440,088,573
% of total 65.4 65.4 68.9 61.2 66.4 65.5